Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Chuck Yeager - Duncan Hunter is the best candidate for President

Mr. Supersonic Endorses Duncan Hunter

Chuck Yeager is a true American hero. He has The Right Stuff. Born in rural Myra, West Virginia he became a fighter ace in WW2:

During World War II, General Yeager distinguished himself in aerial combat over France and Germany during the years 1943-1945 by shooting down 13 enemy aircraft, five on one mission, including one of Germany's first jet fighters. On March 5, 1944, he was shot down over German-occupied France but escaped capture.(LINK)

Then on Oct. 14, 1947, when he became the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. His awards include:

The Distinguished Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Silver Star with one oak leaf cluster, Legion of Merit with one oak leaf cluster, Distinguished FlyingCross with two oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star Medal with V device, Air Medal with 10 oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem with one oak leaf cluster, and the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award Ribbon. He is a command pilot and has flown more than 10,000 hours in 155 different types of military aircraft.(LINK)

Brigadier General Charles E. Yeager was awarded the Special Congressional Silver Medal in 1976. Today he is supporting Duncan Hunter for President. He will serve as Honorary Chair of the Congressman Duncan Hunter for President Committee. He writes:

To my Fellow Americans,

Congressman Duncan Hunter is the best candidate for President of the United States of America that I know - he has integrity, tenacity, courage, and diplomacy. He is intelligent and thoughtful, does his research, and acts on it.

I have known Congressman Duncan Hunter for over 35 years. Duncan served his country in the Army and is a Vietnam vet. In Vietnam, he served in one of the most dangerous outfits - the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 75th Army Rangers.

Duncan Hunter is the former and very effective Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and I am proud to be the Honorary Chair of the Congressman Duncan Hunter for President Committee.

Chuck Yeager

Duncan Hunter is asking for your support. Chuck Yeager is asking you to support him. Give what you can to the true conservative candidate - Duncan Hunter. He has The Right Stuff !

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Blogger Gary C. Huggins said...

Duncan Hunter is the only candidate I trust with the responsibility of Commander in Chief in the War on Terror and, the only one I trust to secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, appoint conservative judges, uphold the second amendment and take a stand against China on the issue of fair trade.

September 14, 2007 at 10:21 AM  

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