Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Memorial Day Message from Duncan Hunter

On this Memorial Day, let us remember the Americans who died on the battlefields of the world for us.

You know the Bible tells us “greater love hath no man than he who lays down his life for another.” In the last century alone 619,000 American service members laid down their lives for us. They fought in Bellawood, Guadalcanal, the Chosin Reservoir and Kason Vietnam. Today they fight in places called Fallujah and Baghdad and Kabul.

They are America’s greatest generation. We owe them our heartfelt support and the gratitude of a free nation.

In 1945, a young Marine returned from the South Pacific and he wrote these words to his wife, “I think just to be with your wife and family; to take care of your family every day is your greatest privilege a person can enjoy.”

Sixty-one years later, another Marine returning from a place called Fallujah wrote these words. He said, “At some point in a dangerous environment, you forget about your own safety and you try to take care of your men and you place your own life in the hands of God. But your family, your wife and kids, never leave your mind.”

Families lift our country up. They provide us with fidelity, morality, faith in God and raising the next generation of Americans.

God still loves this nation. We are still a people of character, of faith and courage.
On this Memorial Day, let us thank others who gave us our freedom.

U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter

Friday, May 25, 2007

America Needs Duncan Hunter

I firmly believe that Duncan Hunter is the man most qualified to lead America at this point in the life of our nation. For those of you who don't know me, I am Charlie Fugate from the blog Good Sense and I am proud to be a new supporter of Duncan Hunter's presidential campaign. I believe Mr. Hunter will provide leadership, vision and integrity in an hour where these qualities are needed. Let me explain why I support Mr. Hunter.

1.) He is Pro-Life - Mr. Hunter is explicitly pro-life and has the votes in Congress to back up his stance. From cloning to embryonic farming to the partial birth abortion ban, Duncan Hunter is committed to protecting the sanctity of human life. We owe the next generation of Americans nothing less than a committed pro-life President.

2.) He is Pro-Defense - Mr. Hunter has served as Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and is a recognized leader in Defense and Homeland Security issues. Mr. Hunter understands what is required to properly defend our nation in uncertain times. In addition to this service, Mr. Hunter is a decorated Vietnam veteran. I would submit that Mr. Hunter's service has prepared him for understand intricate and complex defense issues.

3.) He is Fair Trade - Mr. Hunter understands that to expect high wage American workers to compete with low-wage workers is unrealistic and counterproductive. Mr. Hunter believes in Fair Trade where both sides honor committments to be equitable in trade. China has accumulated a huge trade surplus at our expense and is now building weapons that are trained on our shores.

4.) He is Fair Tax - To me, this was the deal maker. Mr. Hunter supports the Fair Tax which would eliminate the IRS and the income tax and replace it with a National Retail Sales Tax.

These are but four main areas why I support Duncan Hunter for President. I would like to thank Bloggers 4 Duncan Hunter for inviting me to contribute here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Duncan Hunter's at the Fair Tax Rally

You want a Fair Tax Candidate? You got one in Duncan Hunter. This is a must watch video. Duncan Hunter breaks it down in a different way telling why we need the fair tax. The letters he quotes at the end were written by his father and his son. We need Duncan in the White House!


Born in other countries, yet believing you could be happy in this, our laws acknowledge, as they should do, your right to join us in society, conforming... to our established rules. That these rules shall be as equal as prudential considerations will admit, will certainly be the aim of our legislatures, general and particular.” —Thomas Jefferson

Mr Jefferson was clear when he said “conforming... to our established rules” How does one say they are conforming to our rules when they entered our country illegally? I had some comments about Fred Thompson basically saying we cant send all the illegals back. I say horse hockey to that. You implement Duncan Hunters border plan and stop the influx of border crossings, then fine the living hell out of anyone employing or aiding illegals, and they will line up to go back.

Download NowDownload Now

Every family which has been touched by the tragedy of terrorism and illegal drugs has a stake in Duncan’s Fence.”

- Muriel Watson, Border Control Activist

Duncan Hunter has built 59.25 miles of Border Fence, reducing crime on the border. He stopped the drive-thru smugglers. I know I can count on Duncan to continue leading the fight to secure the border.”

Thomas Wacker, U.S. Border Patrol Chief (Ret.)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Duncan Hunter on the Amnesty Bill-Video

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Duncan Hunter On China

From Last nights debate

Now about those trade deals

Monday, May 14, 2007

Trust The WaPo... Duncan Hunter 4 Prez

When the WaPo drones on about, "Top GOP Hopefuls Keep Distance on Immigration", you know for a fact that our only 'Conservative' answer is Rep. Duncan Hunter.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Patriot Contest

Monday, May 7, 2007

Duncan Hunter is Right

Click to Enlarge
Duncan is right. The other candidates are wrong.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

More on the Debate - Duncan Hunter

Hunter: (Grade A) ; A great performance from the California Congressman. He is the member of Congress who has the greatest chance of winning the election. Hunter has a friendly demeanor and carries himself with a curious appeal. With direct answers and informed responses, he impressed on my mind Presidential demeanor. Although candidates were given a short amount of time, I am anxious to hear what else Congressman Duncan Hunter has up his sleeve. He is sure to be an exciting figure to watch in the months to come. - David Ferguson - President of the American Conservative Student Union.

I agree with David. For many the debate was the first time people got to see Duncan Hunter. Rolling Stone magazine noticed him also:
Duncan Hunter: Came off as a credible candidate. He stole all of Tancredo’s thunder on immigration and his unabashed support of the military industrial complex reminded me more of the Reagan I remember than anyone else’s policy positions. He had the presidentiality that Romney’s supposed to project, and a conversationality about his platform that both McCain and Giuliani lacked. Could get some movement.(LINK)

The momentum is growing !

Friday, May 4, 2007

Duncan Hunter Debate Video

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Real Conservatives to be Excluded from GOP Presidential Debate

Thanks to We Saw That, I was able to find this news story on Crosswalk, Seven Out of 10 GOP 2008 Hopefuls Could be Excluded from TV Debate. The first thing that comes to mind is, “What in the hell is wrong with these morons?”

Apparently, the South Carolina GOP and Fox News agreed that there would be candidate cut-off of one percent in national polls, meaning that only the “Big 3” candidates, McCain, Giuliani, and Romney, will be allowed to participate in the debate. What a load of B.S.

We conservatives are already being “Bob Doled”, and it is blatantly obvious that one or both of these parties involved, being Fox News and the South Carolina GOP, have no intention of making sure all important issues are addressed in this debate, as neither McCain, Giuliani, or Romney are likely to bring any improvement to the current illegal immigration problem.

But is a corporation like Fox News really interested in stopping illegal immigration? No doubt much of their sponsorship comes from big corporations who want to continue the current flow of cheap, illegal labor. Many like to label Fox News as a mouthpiece for conservatives, but by leaving candidates like Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, and Tom Tancredo out of the debate, they will be alienating quite a few conservatives.

Fox News is the most watched cable network, and the vast majority of its viewers are probably Republicans. So why leave 7 of 10 Republican candidates out of a presidential debate? Because it is blatantly obvious that the news media and GOP group-think would rather shove certain mainstream candidates down our throats.

I for one won’t accept it. A Constitution candidate could look pretty good come November 2008.

And speaking of illegal immigration, the one thing I noticed the most about yesterday’s demonstrations is there were alot less Mexican flags and alot more American flags than last year’s marches. I wonder why that is?

The changing of the flags doesn’t change the fact that thousands of these protesters were likely illegal aliens, and as such, people who have NO RIGHT to demand voting rights, free education, or should even have the right to protest on our streets and hold up our traffic!! And the memories of last year are still fresh in this Cajun’s mind, “The Border Crossed Us,” “Get Off Our Continent,” “Reconquista.”

Yet, despite these issues, candidates like Duncan Hunter may be prevented from holding people like Giuliani to the fire during Fox News’s May 15 debate.

Duncan Hunter for President 2008

Paid for by the Conservative Cajun Political Action Committee

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Chuck Yeager - Duncan Hunter is the best candidate for President

Mr. Supersonic Endorses Duncan Hunter

Chuck Yeager is a true American hero. He has The Right Stuff. Born in rural Myra, West Virginia he became a fighter ace in WW2:

During World War II, General Yeager distinguished himself in aerial combat over France and Germany during the years 1943-1945 by shooting down 13 enemy aircraft, five on one mission, including one of Germany's first jet fighters. On March 5, 1944, he was shot down over German-occupied France but escaped capture.(LINK)

Then on Oct. 14, 1947, when he became the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. His awards include:

The Distinguished Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Silver Star with one oak leaf cluster, Legion of Merit with one oak leaf cluster, Distinguished FlyingCross with two oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star Medal with V device, Air Medal with 10 oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem with one oak leaf cluster, and the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award Ribbon. He is a command pilot and has flown more than 10,000 hours in 155 different types of military aircraft.(LINK)

Brigadier General Charles E. Yeager was awarded the Special Congressional Silver Medal in 1976. Today he is supporting Duncan Hunter for President. He will serve as Honorary Chair of the Congressman Duncan Hunter for President Committee. He writes:

To my Fellow Americans,

Congressman Duncan Hunter is the best candidate for President of the United States of America that I know - he has integrity, tenacity, courage, and diplomacy. He is intelligent and thoughtful, does his research, and acts on it.

I have known Congressman Duncan Hunter for over 35 years. Duncan served his country in the Army and is a Vietnam vet. In Vietnam, he served in one of the most dangerous outfits - the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 75th Army Rangers.

Duncan Hunter is the former and very effective Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and I am proud to be the Honorary Chair of the Congressman Duncan Hunter for President Committee.

Chuck Yeager

Duncan Hunter is asking for your support. Chuck Yeager is asking you to support him. Give what you can to the true conservative candidate - Duncan Hunter. He has The Right Stuff !

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